How to apply voucher and coupon codes

Apply voucher code manually by following the steps below

  1. If your cart is empty, proceed to Shop Page to add any item to the cart
  2. Proceed to your cart, and input the voucher code into the ‘Coupon Code’ box, and then press ‘APPLY COUPON’
  3. You may remove the items you do not wish to purchase, select the delivery option (courier delivery or store-collect), and then press the ‘Proceed to Checkout’ button on the bottom of the page. Do take note of minimum purchase values (if applicable). Voucher codes generally DO NOT stack with each other.
  4. On the checkout page, please enter your billing information (mobile number SMS OTP or email required for collection/delivery confirmation)
  5. After mobile number is verified, press ‘Place Order’ to confirm your order for your free gift (if applicable, for new users)